Geri kalmak (to fall behind) conjugation

3 examples

Conjugation of geri kalmak

Present tense
geri kalırım
I fall behind
geri kalırsın
you fall behind
geri kalır
he/she/it falls behind
Past tense
geri kaldım
I fell behind
Future tense
geri kalacağım
I will fall behind
Present continuous tense
geri kalıyorum
I am falling behind

Examples of geri kalmak

Example in TurkishTranslation in English
Evet, diğer okulu bıraktım derslerden geri kalmak istemiyorum...Yeah, I quit my other school and I don't want to fall behind, so...
Programdan geri kalmak istemem.Don't want to fall behind schedule.
Kaçırırsam diğer mankenlerden geri kalırım.I mean, if I do, I'll fall behind the other models.

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Similar but longer

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catch up

Other Turkish verbs with the meaning similar to 'fall behind':

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